I am a Jen of all trades and master of absolutely none

I "started" this blog a year or so ago with the intention of getting back into blogging. My previous blog, Abingtonian Adventures, wasn't exactly relevant anymore, seeing as we no longer lived in the Abingtons, outside of Scranton, Pa.

The fact that I'm finally writing my first post should pretty much sum up what this is all about.

You see a lot of discussion of what one's "brand" is on social media. I have neither the time, talent or energy to have a perfectly-curated Instagram feed - I just like sharing fun and/or interesting pictures. I sometimes get deep on Facebook, but normally I'm pretty low-key, almost flippant. When I started pondering what my brand could possibly be, that's when I hit on "Jen of all trades and master of none."

In short:
  • I'm a SAHM with two daughters, ages 7 and 4. But this isn't just a mommy blog.
  • I'm a freelance writer. Blogging may be a writing exercise, but this isn't just a news blog.
  • I'm a college cheerleading coach. But this isn't just a sports or coaching blog.
  • I’m a volunteer adviser for my Zeta Tau Alpha chapter. But this isn’t just a volunteering or sorority life blog.
  • I like sports, fashion, shopping, cars, books and a whole host of other things. But I'm far from enough of an expert to focus on any one interest.
So, if you're going to say I have a "brand," I guess you could say this is a mish-mash blog. 😂

Why am I doing this now? In the midst of a global pandemic and historic civil unrest, I have a lot of thoughts in my head. My oldest daughter has developed a penchant for writing, to the point that I started a blog for her (The Sophie Star - I'm biased, but she's pretty good for 7. Check it out). And I just took on a gig, ironically, as a part-time mommy blogger - and the other moms all seem to have their own blogs already, so I figured I might as well get myself back in the swing.

tl:dr -- I'm a 40-something wife and mom of two young kids who writes on the side and coaches part-time, now living in my native southcentral Pennsylvania. I like to write but my interests go every which way, so enjoy me and my scattered brain. 😀 Also, cross your fingers that I manage to transfer those thoughts to screen often enough to keep this interesting.

My family. Believe it or not, I’m not the one sitting on the Lion. 😂


  1. Hello,
    I am trying to find more research on my grandfather .. Ted V Rodgers . You did a great article for the ATA and I wondered what else you discovered. I live in Charlotte NC but was born in Scranton. My mother was Ted V's youngest child . I can be reached at ..careyfriedrich@gmail.com or you call me at 704-975-4251. I plan a trip to DC soon and would love to see his plaque . Do you know who I should contact ?
    Carey Friedrich


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